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Woodward成为Repower486 MW海上6兆瓦风力发电机组指定变频器供应商

2011-01-06 来源:Woodward 浏览数:969

Fort Collins. Woodward Governor Company (NASDAQ: WGOV) announced that it signed an agreement with REpower Systems AG toprovide power converters for 486MW offshore wind turbines.


The wind turbines are intended for the Nordsee Ost offshore wind farm, to be built in the German Bight of the North Seabetween 2011 and 2013. The REpower turbines, based on the proven technology of the 6MW class, have a total capacity ofapproximately 295 megawatts.

   按照双方协议,自2011年开始两年内,伍德沃德将首先为德国北海Nordsee Ost风场提供48台6兆瓦总计295MW风机(每台设计容量为6.15MW)。
"Woodward is proud to be selected as the converter supplier for some of the most powerful wind turbines in the world," saidGerhard Lauffer, President, Electrical Power Systems. "This agreement strengthens our relationship with REpower in theoffshore market, where we believe there is significant potential for future global growth."

  “伍德沃德非常荣幸的成为全世界最大功率风机之一的变频器供应商” Gerhard Lauffer,伍德沃德电力系统总裁。“这将进一步加强伍德沃德在大兆瓦级别上与Repower的合作,而且对世界风力发展具有深远意义”。

Woodward has supplied CONCYCLE® converters for REpower wind turbines for more than nine years; 5MW and 6MW turbine classconverters since 2004 with more than fifty units. Woodward successfully commissioned power converters for the first Germanoffshore wind farm, Alpha Ventus, which uses six REpower 5MW wind turbines and other three 6MW in Elhoft within 2009 and got the E.on2006 certification then.

   伍德沃德从事风力发电变频器研发和生产已经超过16年,为REpower公司提供CONCYCLE ®变频器超过9年。自2004年起伍德沃德已有超过50台通过了E.on2006认证的5MW 和6MW变频器应用在REpower公司的近海和海上风场上。

About Woodward关于伍德沃德(Woodward)

Woodward found in 1870 is the world's oldest and largest independent designer, manufacturer, and service provider of energycontrol solutions for aircraft engines, power generation  and turbines, industrial engines and mobile industrial equipment.


As a comprehensive converter supplier of off-shore/onshore and full feed/double feed, today, more than 8500 Woodward'sCONCYCLE® power conversion systems CONCYCLE® wind systems with more than 12 GW installed power are reliably converting windenergy into high-quality power.

   作为风电变频系统最早的制造商,公司无论在海装/陆装还是全功率/双馈的变频技术上都成绩卓著,至今,已经有近8500台伍德沃德CONCYCLE®变频器运行在全世界各大风场,总装机超过12GW; 进入中国13年以来,伍德沃德为中国风场提供了第一台兆瓦变频器和第一台海装变频器,拥有完善并网技术的伍德沃德将继续致力中国的风机事业发展。



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